Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
This Sunday Glendon explores Romans 7 and 8. These constantly quoted chapters explore both the reality of struggles and sufferings that we experience in the this life, and the declaration that there is, right now, no condemnation and perfect freedom in Christ. How can we hold the tension between the reality of the struggles that we face and the promise of freedom and peace from those struggles, while looking at this freedom through the lens of God's radical overturning of oppression and injustice?
Unfortunately, due to an issue with the Zoom audio recording, several minutes were too distorted to be audible, and several minutes in the middle of the sermon had to be omitted. Get in touch with us if you need a transcript of the full sermon.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
This Sunday Dallas explores Romans 6 and looks at how English translations prefer to use 'righteousness' instead of 'justice' when the Greek work is the same for both. How would the church be different if our focus was on justice (systemic justice) rather than only personal righteousness?
How many young people were raised to believe the goal of Christian discipleship to not swear, not watch R-rated movies, and not masturbate, but never learned anything about the biblical vision of justice for all? The church is meant to foster and alternative economy, and alternative way of walking upon the land, and alternative way of viewing relationships and community.
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Pastor James Wheeler leads us in a beautiful sermon on the power of loving our enemies.
None of us is able to change the abusive system we were born into that the Empire depends on – all of us need help. Sin is a web that we are all caught in and here's the good news:
You aren't more important than anyone here AND no one here is more important than you. While each of us were still sinners, “Christdied for us” – you’re already worthy and welcome – you don’t have to do anything to deserve to be here and neither does your enemy.
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Nothing kills community like nostalgia for the good 'ol days except maybe the 'dream' of how a community could be. Have you ever been a part of a church where the long-standing members feel nostalgia for what once was and the new members are eager and full of ideas for what we *could* be? That's the dynamic in the Romans Churches and Paul is not interested in forcing one side to assimilate to the other and nor is he interested in segregating into two different church. The Holy Spirit is always joining the two into the ONE. Perhaps we could honour our tradition by being open to something unimaginably bigger than we had previously imagined?
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
This is one of the 'clobber passages' that has commonly been weaponized against LGBTQ Christians. In this sermon, Nikayla considers the historical context and comes down hard against doing what's unnatural and degrading. This was vulnerable and packed with soul-food for anyone who has grown up hating their body and not knowing God's vision for flourishing sexuality.
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Enjoy this sermon on the beginning of Romans 1. Here Pastor Nikayla opens up the book of Romans to set us off into a 10 week series.
No book of the Bible has played a more significant role in shaping Evangelical theology than the book of Romans. Penal Substitutionary theories of atonement and reformed theologies are largely shaped by texts in Romans.Romans is the most written about, most taught, and most memorized book in the Bible. If you've ever attended a seminar on how to convert your friends to Christianity, you likely learned to use the Romans Road:Romans 3:10 (all have sinned and fall short the glory of God), Romans 5:8 (but God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die while we were still sinners), Romans 10:9-10 (if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord you will be saved), Romans 8:1 (for there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ). See? It's the big kahuna of the Bible and our go-to for Christianese.Romans is easily treated like a grab bag of quotes when in fact, it's a brilliantly crafted letter written by Paul to the Roman Church whom he hadn’t met. This was Paul's final letter. He wrote it from Corinth, hoping the Roman churches would help fund his missionary journey to Spain. When he finally arrived there, however, he was in chains and eventually executed by the Roman Empire. It's his desperate attempt to cast a vision for a divided community attempting to live in the pull between the dominant culture and the radically alternative vision of the Kin-dom of God. Sound familiar?Paul begins his letter to the Romans by introducing himself as a slave. So let's spend 10 weeks reading through those eyes and together let’s heed the call to - LOVE over power - community over individual rights and freedoms – and generous hospitality over fear of one another.
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Enjoy this sermon on Matthew 18:1-14 by the amazing James Wheeler.
Here he connects the lost sheep and a Good Shepherd to the warning against causing harm to a child. This text through trauma-informed lens opens the parable to new possibilities and brilliantly closes our Trickster Jesus series! Thank James.
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Brynne Nelson leads us in this sermon about the Banquet - Brynne challenges us to consider who we've invited and who we haven't and how we respond to all the new guests. This felt like a very important sermon for Awaken and for any churches navigating what it looks like to be a fully inclusive and welcoming space.
Thanks Brynne!
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Adam Ayer leads us in an amazing workshop about this parable - be warned, it's not a very podcasty-podcast. There was a lot of group discussion and dialogue but the microphone only picks up Adam's voice so we've edited it as best we can (thanks Anna!!) to make it all one message - it's quite interesting!
Good Samaritan questions:
After reading the parable slowly consider the details of the stor.y
Who is the man in the ditch? Do the others think he's dead? What happened to him? What would motivate the traditional enemy of the Jews to stop and offer such compassionate help? How do you think the lawyer responds to Jesus telling us to be like the person who doesn't believe the right things?
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
"despair is a luxury of the bourgeoisie" - overheard in a Palestinian refugee camp.
When you can't afford to give up, you don't. So *who* can't afford to give up?
Tamika Palmer
Debbie Baptiste
Tina Duck
There are widows in our communities who are standing relentlessly for justice. Let's stand with them.