
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Advent is over and not because the presents are opened and the tree has been put away, but because Christ has come! So, how do we Awaken to the hope, peace, joy, and love we were embracing during Advent? In this Christmastide season, let's take a practical look at how the Incarnate God invites us into the incarnation. God becomes flesh here in Bowness -- Awaken Awakens. So what do we do?
1. We Break Bread Together
2. We Live Together
3. We Believe that Where We Live Matters
4. We Make Promises (and we keep them!)
5. We Share Good News
6. We Practice Lament
7. We Embody Sacrificial Love

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
This is a sermon about the impossible love between Ruth and Naomi and how this small story of radical, boarder-crossing, and risky love proclaims the gospel as it points to the birth of God, a board-crossing and risk-taking God who comes in the name of Love, bringing all of Heaven with him.
Thank you Nicole and Kate for singing O Come O Come Immanuel as a benediction

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
On this second Sunday of Advent we lit the candle of peace. We heard a very humble story of struggle, addiction, trauma, and impossible new beginnings from Kerry Gladue. Kerry works at the Simon House in Bowness helping men in recovery.
From the website:
Simon House guides and empowers men to achieve long-term recovery from addiction and all of its effects. Through our Core Values of compassion, acceptance, respect, integrity, accountability, and innovation, we will lead the way in addiction treatment and lifelong recovery. Our mission and core values are guiding principles which you will experience at all times while engaged with our program, whether as a client, family member, staff, donor, community stakeholder, or visitor
To purchase Kerry's book follow this link here:

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Abraham fell face down and laughed -Genesis 17:17
But in the daylight God disappears,running here and there,contending with the desires of people,shaking with laughter,then weeping.
Which recalls to him this singular concern:to keep dancing her crazy cosmic congaand coax all the broken circles back to love.
- Stephen T Berg

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Amy R led us in a discussion on Paul's letters on Christ the King Sunday. She talks about how to read Paul and hones in on Ephesians 1. What does it mean that Christ is the King and how does Paul communicate this to his beloved churches?
Listen to this sermon and then slowly read Ephesians 1. What stands out to you?
Thanks AMY!!

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Eric Reynolds in one of the masterminds behind Mobile Escape and Escape Mail and so, as you can imagine, he has a mind for puzzles and imagination. He leads us through a workshop on how to read the Parables and encounter the God of mysteries and messianic secrets. This isn't really a sermon but more of a workshop and so it won't feel like the podcasts you're used to. To see the full video with the amazing diagrams he has put together, please check out the video on the Awaken Facebook page or find the prezzi here:
Discussion: Why would Jesus speak in parables instead of just making the message as clear as possible? After listening to this workshop on puzzles and parables, what stands out to you about the parable of the sower? How about some of the small parables in Matthew 13?

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Maddie McBlain gave this sermon on Nov. 8th and it was really thought provoking.
When we come to the Scriptures and ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" you'll find a different answer in Proverbs than you do in Job and another different answer in Ecclesiastes. The Bible never answers the question in a clear conversation-closing way. Rather, a colllection of diverse perspectives remain bound together in the wisdom traditions as if these Wisdom Books were different people sitting around a table having a debate, pulling up a chair for YOU and inviting you into the pursuit of wisdom.
Thank you Maddie!
Read a chapter in Proverbs and highlight a verse that seems to be objectively untrue in your experience. How would Job talk about that verse in Proverbs? Read Ecclesiastes 1 and consider how the author of Ecclesiastes would respond.
What bad things have happened to you in your life and how have you reconciled that experience with your faith? If you could ask the authors of Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes any question, what would you ask? What might they ask you in return?

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
The prophetic speech is disruptive and piercing. His or her words are unbearable to King and Priest because you cannot serve both God and money, both God and power. You will hate one and love the other.
So while we tend towards serving our own privilege and sacrificing to the god of the economy, the prophets weep and imagine a bitter end and yet, rather than revel in grief, the prophets have the tenacity to hope vigorously in an undoing of this world and the inbreaking of something radically new.
If you'd like to learn more about Seth Cardinal Dodginghorse or see the speech he gave on Oct 1st follow this link:

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
This week Kara BH leads us through a sermon about the story of Deborah and Jael and invites us to be conflicted, unsettled, and awakened to the task of wrestling with the scriptures. Michelle E lead us in a beautiful time of communion and we were blessed together.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
This is the beginning of a new series on How and Why (and for Whom) to engage the scriptures. Nikayla gave this sermon on how to read the Law or the Pentateuch and she talks about how God choose the least of these from out of the dominant and dominating culture. The dominant culture did not and DOES not recognize this God or know this God's name. The Pentateuch is the stories of the "least of all people" being chosen by God, rescued by God, and established by God as a treasured possession. The Law isn't only about morality or right behavior - it's about how to stay OUT of Pharaoh's throne, avoiding the trap of power, and how to stay within the shared memory; connected to the community and to the land. The LAW needs to be read through a Kingdom Lens and it needs to be read because the least of these continue to be unnoticed, unnamed, unfavored here in our city. We read it so that we might avoid the temptations of power and be people who remember.
DISCUSSION: Read Exodus 1-5 and notice which characters have names and which characters don't have names. Who are God's people? Consider the gospels: Who are the people who recognized and trusted Jesus?
Anna lead us in Communion this week and her reflection and teaching on communion is shared here after the sermon recording. For this series we will post the communion time as well as the sermon for any who have missed out on the Sunday gathering.