Saturday Jun 24, 2023

The Holy Spirit Rushes In

We aren't really known for a fiery zeal for the Holy Spirit here at Awaken and with all the bad press our fellow Christians have given the Holy Spirit we can't blame each other for being guarded. Christians tend to cause more harm than good when we think of the Spirit as either a personal magic within us, validating our ego-driven desire to transcend, or as a liturgical lapdog who comes when called and turns the Spirit-filled life into a spectacle.

All through this summer we will be lingering in the mystery of Pentecost and the role of the Holy Spirit, and this exploration is opened by Dr. Beth Stovell, who will be opening our discussion by teaching us that the Holy Spirit rushes in to continue the work of Jesus, healing hurts and transforming communities. This kind of Spirit-breathed transformation is found in liberation that undoes imperial powers and societal violence, creativity that stirs up the arts to show us what it is to have God in our midst, calling us to advocacy against injustice, and speaking into our inner and outer hurts in an outpouring of love, peace, and hope. The Spirit offers us ways to become a part of the healing of the hurt in the world around us without us glorifying ourselves or becoming saviours ourselves. 

For the next several weeks, let's gather together and peer over the edge of ourselves toward our shared longing to be unraveled and enchanted anew. And what if we weren't focussed on a pursuit of a personal and disembodied Spirituality but on a collective surrender and curiosity for the Living Mystery that disrupts, unsettles, and enlivens us to inhabit this wonder-filled place?

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